10YR DD Liberator Collection – USB


This collection celebrates the 10-year anniversary of Defense Distributed’s release of the Liberator, the first functional fully 3D-printed firearm which inaugurated the current age of guncad. The collection contains the original Liberator, along with a few interesting remixes.

Also included in this collection is the Harlot. The Harlot is a spiritual successor to the Liberator and is considered to be far safer and more practical to print.

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SKU: USB-10YR-Liberator Categories: , , Tag:

Note: your jurisdiction may require you to be a licensed FFL or licensed gunsmith to purchase this product.


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product description

Collection contents:
* Defense Distributed Liberator v1.1
* KadeCAD .22LR Liberator Conversion
- A remix of the original Liberator that converts it to fire .22LR
* Proteus Liberator Glock Barrel Remix
- A remix of the original Liberator that converts it to fire 9mm using a Glock barrel.
* The Harlot
- The Harlot is not a Liberator remix but is instead a spiritual successor that fills much the same role.

Available on DEFCAD

Liberator Original

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Nov 04, 2022

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