Shield Pistol Frame – USB by The Gatalog


These are files for the 9mm M&P Shield Frame by FreeMenDontAsk of The Gatalog. This frame was inspired by the Smith & Wesson 9mm M&P Shield.

The Gatalog is the first corporate successor of Deterrence Dispensed. Owned and directed by Matt Larosiere, The Gatalog formed in 2021 to promote commercial kit designs for builds like the FGC-9. Though its license standards are regrettably corporate and closed source, The Gatalog today promotes upmarket parts kits conversions and has built a reputation for above-average documentation.

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Note: your jurisdiction may require you to be a licensed FFL or licensed gunsmith to purchase this product.


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Freeman's 9mm M&P Shield Pistol Frame

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Jun 2, 2019

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